Which occupations are in demand in Germany?
Germany has become one of the popular destinations for young professionals to work. While some countries are making it difficult for professionals to immigrate. Due to its aging population and a shortage of qualified professionals, Germany has opened its job market to the world. Meanwhile, moving to Germany is not a cake walk. As I have known from my friends, finding a job in Germany can be a long and tiring process. However, if you are willing to go an extra mile here is the list of which occupation are in demand in Germany:
Germany has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. However, German hospitals have had a shortage of doctors for quite some years now. The demand will continue to rise in coming years as many hospital doctors are soon due to enter retirement.
In Germany, average salaries in Germany for doctors vary between 65,000€* gross salary per year for an Assistenzarzt (assistant doctor) to 80,000€* for a Facharzt (specialist).
Since April 2012, irrespective of your country of origin you can be eligible to receive a medical license in Germany – provided that your qualifications are equivalent to the German medical training. You can find more information at https://www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de
Engineering and IT
Germany is a global leader in numerous high-tech fields. The SMEs specializing in the innovative and high-quality product are hugely successful in the world’s export market. Due to growing demand and the need for constant innovation, there are several job openings for innovative engineers.
There is a need for new recruits in all sectors of engineering, but most particularly in the fields of mechanical, automotive and electrical engineering.
Similarly, many of the larger companies from throughout Germany need IT specialists to perform a range of tasks. These include programming advanced machine-control systems, writing company software, ensuring the security of complex systems, and managing the ever larger field of online applications. Mathematicians are also in great demand, particularly in banks and insurance companies.
The most likely salary will be between 44,000€* and 52,000€* per year. In a small company, it can go down to 38,000€*. In lucky cases, it can increase to 65,000€*. One of the hindrances to finding a job in engineering can be the lack of German proficiency. If you have a good command over the German language with a university degree, finding a job in the engineering field becomes a little easier.
You can find the list of job openings here.
SEE ALSO: How to apply at a university in Germany?
Scientists and Researchers
Germany is the birthplace of several technological innovations which have shaped the world we live in. Automobiles, X-ray, printing press and aspirin are the product of German innovation and discovery. Germany remains a center of innovation. German companies from diverse sectors operate at the very cutting edge of technology. Henceforth companies are heavily investing on Industrie 4.0.
To keep up with the innovation Germany requires graduates and scientists working STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). There are several job openings in the private sector as well as research institutes such as the Max Plank Society and the Fraunhofer Society.
The average starting salary for STEM postgraduates is on average 45,000-55,000€* per year in academia (researchers without Ph.D.). If you have a degree from your home country in one of STEM fields, you can have your degree verified by Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).
SEE ALSO: How to get a PhD in Germany
This blog provided a brief overview of which occupation are in demand in Germany. In coming months, we would go over how to apply for a job in Germany, the types of visa required, etc. We will also be talking to people who have settled in Germany and give you insight into their journey. To be informed about all the updates, please make sure you subscribe to our blog and/or like us on the facebook.
*Salary figures are approximate. May vary by additional qualification, region and experience.

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Very nice and help full information,keep it up.
Many thanks.